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Thames Coromandel District Council & Age Concern Hauraki Coromandel

Emergency Response Plan

TCDC and Age Concern Hauraki Coromandel are pleased to announce we have engaged and are collaborating together to educate and provide support for the aged and disability sector, and to build more resilience in this community. 

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We will be hosting meetings throughout the district face to face, and online.


These informative sessions will cover (but not limited to) hazard awareness, individual preparedness, with a focus on connectivity, mobility, medical requirements and resources.


Please keep an eye on on here, and  both the TCDC website and Facebook page and Aged Concern Hauraki Coromandel Facebook page for dates, times and locations for these sessions. You can also contact Aged Concern Hauraki Coromandel here.

Thames Public Meeting

Do you know what to do if a natural disaster hits?

Do you know what you should have packed ready in an emergency kit?

Do you have a disability that may impact on how you can react to an emergency?

Do you know your neighbours?

If you want to know more, come along and learn all about getting yourself ready for a natural disaster. Please make sure you bring your glasses, pen, hearing aid, and if you have a carer, bring them along too!

Our first meeting is in Thames

Where:  Thames Civic Centre, Mary Street

When: Monday 30th September

Time: 9.30am

Hot drinks and biscuits provided

Everyone goes home with a goodybag! 

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